
This blog needs a new description, but~ah squirrel!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Spring Semester 2013

Wow, I'm writing a blog post.  It's been forever.

I'm taking some interesting classes this semester.  (Except for Calc II.  As good as I am at math, I'm feeling ready to be done with math classes.  Forever.  :P)  I have three honors classes:

  • "Adventures in Mathematics".  Easy A and I get physical science credit (because I'm one science credit short!).  This is kind of a broad overview of the history and application of a bunch of different areas of math.  It's just high-school level math here.  *yawn*
  • "Why Creativity Matters".  I guess the purpose of this class is to study and develop creativity?  and learn how to draw?  I enjoy it.  
  • "Great Ideas of the West in the Classical and Medieval Eras: The Meanings of Life".  That's a mouthful.  We're reading and discussing literature all the way from Mesopotamia (earliest history) to the 1500s, focusing on what people thought the meaning of life was-- which is an absurdly ambiguous pursuit.  I love this class, though.  We get into deep philosophical discussion like what we had in my Socratic Seminar class at Maeser Preparatory Academy.  I missed that class so much.  ^^

And then I'm also taking Intro to Short Fiction.  I'm enjoying that class too.  ^^

Goodness, I have big ambitions.  I want to be producing content relatively frequently in several different places (here, deviantART, Facebook, Cloud in a Bubble, Heavens' Crossroads, Google+...) while working on other stories that might be publishable (like, as in physical novels, with paper  o__0) and making cosplays and going to college and creating video games.  Is this possible?  o.0  I'm going to find out.

well, that's all for now.  Good night, sleep tight, and don't get eaten by flying spaghetti monsters!

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