
This blog needs a new description, but~ah squirrel!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Silver Skies

The sky was overcast today; covered in silver clouds.  Silver is my favorite color.  The air was just a slight bit chilly if you stood out in it long enough.  It was not hot and not excessively cold, and the horridly bright light in the sky was not there to give me a headache.  I do appreciate the sun, but I'm also kind of sensitive to it, especially when I'm reading a book in the car.  The silver sky promises soft rain, and invites me into a reflective mood where I learn through assembling thoughts together.

My own life has been cloudy lately.  Between my Eagle project, the service hours for my community-based learning class, homework for my English class, and all the little things I attend to, I haven't felt like I've had much time for the things I really want to do.  But now that I think about it, I haven't truly defined my own desires.  I just have halfway-constructed ideas up my sleeve; ideas to be refined in a period of reflection.

As I walked beneath the silver sky today, I thought about the figurative sky of my circumstances.  I wondered if, for integrity's sake, I should be grateful for the clouds in the latter sky as I was for the former.  If my best learning happens beneath the silver sky above me, would not my greatest growth come during the cloudy times of my life?

While these silver skies last, I shall make the best of them.

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